My friends at Park Ave Cds were kind enough to allow me to take some photos of Against Me's in store signing a few weeks back. It was a lot of fun and I am honored to have been a part of it. If you are in the Orlando area, make sure to pay the record store a visit. AND BUY SOME DANG RECORDS.
And also thank you Against Me! for being kind enough to let me get in your faces with a camera. I first heard of you all almost 10 years ago and it was awesome getting to finally meet!
The Dinner Party Project - Love Feast
A few weeks back The Dinner Party Project had their biggest gathering yet. Normally the dinners consist of a small group of strangers all picked at random and brought together to share a meal.
This was similar, but on a larger scale. Over 60 people came together for this one.
If you would like to find out more about TDPP or be apart of a future gathering, follow them on Facebook!
Michael and Jess - Winter Park, FL.
These are my friends, Michael and Jess. Today is their two year anniversary of being together- the perfect time to post these photos! They are our neighbors and two all around awesome people and I've enjoyed getting to know them over the last 7 months of living in Orlando.
Thanks guys for letting me take these photos.
Appreciate you both!
Preview of Ryan and Mel!
02/21/2015 - Lake Underhill - Orlando, FL.